How to Beat Adult Acne (And Why Your Teenage Skin Solutions Won’t Work)

Posted November 13, 2015

Pimples may be nearly as ubiquitous in our adolescence as school dances and standardized tests, but many people are lucky enough find some respite from the struggle with breakouts by the time they’re out of their teenage years. However, for those of us whose skin doesn’t want to grow up, we’re stuck with less-than-glowing complexions that don’t respond to the pimple creams and harsh cleansers of our youth. So what’s the solution for an angry adult complexion?

While it’s tempting to scour every drugstore in Manhattan for drying formulas and pore-extraction tools, the tricks we used as kids don’t work for a number of reasons: our hormones levels are different as adults than they are in our teenage years, giving us a different type of breakout to contend with, and older skin tends to be more sensitive — and reactive — to the wrong kind of treatments. Rather than adding every bottle of benzoyl peroxide in New York city to your shopping basket and hoping for the best, the first step to getting spot-free skin as an adult is making sure you’re getting the right treatments both at the salon and at home.

Since skin that’s past its teenage years is more likely to have a combination of concerns, like breakouts in one area and dry skin in another, it’s important to use only ingredients that can multitask. If you’re looking to pamper yourself while perfecting your pores, try Flawless Skin Solutions’ Oxygen Facial, which clears imperfections while it hydrates the surface of your skin, leaving it luminous. At home, a multitasking product like the Dorothy Facial Mask, which employs the power of hyaluronic acid in an easy-to-use 15-minute treatment, can heal your acne while bringing vibrancy and fullness to your skin.

When acne stops being just a teenage problem, it needs a grown-up solution. Customize your treatment needs at Flawless and you’ll get the glowing skin your high school self always wanted.

Acne, Adult Acne, antiaging facial, Beautiful Skin, Beauty, Beauty Essential, Breakout, Dorothy facial mask, Flawless, fresh skin, glowing skin, Great Skin, Hyaluronic, Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronic Acid Mask, Mature Skin, New York Facial, Nyc facial, Pimples, Radiant Skin, Skin advices, Skin Care, skin problems, skincare, Spa New York, Spa Nyc, Wellness